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December Crystal River Fishing Report

Nick Warrington • December 22, 2021

The End of Grouper Season

The tail end of Grouper season is upon us. Our last day is December 31st. I like to define the grouper bite in December as "Moody”. They're on every spot but don't always want to cooperate with anglers. A variety of tactics are used to fire them up, one method is downsizing your tackle. Often times we will fish 80 to 100 lb leader but when the bite is tougher, it is possible to drop the leader size down to 50 lbs and get a bite started. Once in a while it is worth a try to change up the baitfish you are using, instead of a pinfish, a pigfish or sand perch can wake them up. Trolling or even casting plugs to get a reaction strike will make them chew on days they will not go for a live or dead bait. When they get going, the bite can be great!

Grouper season opens back up June 1st 2022. Be sure to book it while we still have openings!

I haven’t fished the inshore side much lately but the trout bite has been good on the flats in 4-5'. Throwing primarily live shrimp or Mirrolure lil John's worked got the trout worked up. With water temps in the low 70's Spanish mackerel have been around as well. I anticipate they will take off in the next week or so. 


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